I found this article from the above website, while searching for the effective punishements topics. Raising children these days are very challenging because they are in different timezone compared to our time. Its tough to teach our own kids let alone to handle and nurture the other's.
Hmmm, if only each child come with their own manual and it can be kept at the school,,,,what a wonderful world it would be for the teachers!!!
Below are 10 ways to punish effectively, without raising your hand or your voice.
- Aim your punishment at the action, not the ego.
- Make it logical - if they can’t be home at the time they promised then they’re not ready for the freedom of unsupervised time.
- Make it sensible - a list of jobs on the fridge might save some silly punishment when you’re angry and help your workload too.
- Make it inescapable - con merchants are bred in watery rules. If the punishment seems too hard after you’ve cooled down then soften, but don’t disobey yourself.
- Make it noticeable - some families become so negative that an extra punishment isn’t noticed.
- Make it acceptable - if rules and penalties are clear and fair then the kids are more likely to accept the consequences.
- Make it respectful - insulting or bashing just makes them think about revenge not remedy.
- Make it consistent - as the ancient Greek author, Plutarch, said, ‘perseverance is more prevailing than violence’.
- Make it reasonable - give a reason and sometimes maybe even give a bit of choice on when and how they’re going to fix things up.
- Make it private - public punishment hits the ego not the action and they’ll hit back to save face.